Our companys main focus is to offer normal people something they dont get to do in everydays living.
Let's face the facts, we live in a brakage of the car industry. Cars are getting more and more computer-like and the pleassure of driving is getting away. The main focus seems to be, to transport people from one place to another with computer driving and not the human anymore. We think thats the wrong way to go. Best thing about travelling with the car is the driving part, especially with a muscle car.
We honestly think that no one should buy these cars we rent, these old fashion sport/muscle cars. But we also think that everyone should get to drive these beautiful and so powerfull piece of arts at least ones in their lives. When you press the gaspedal of the V8 engine and hear the engine roar, at the same time than G-forces are crushing you into the seat - You feel fear, but same time you feel the ultimate rush when the adrenaline kicks in, and the smile goes from one ear to another.
To whom
Renting a sport/muscle car is a good gift. What is better way to show your love, than taking him/her into thrilling driving experience of your lives!
Our cars are also suitable for weddings. What is cooler than leaving the church with V8 roaring under a hood!
If you are visiting Finland for a couple of days. Why not do it in style!
Is your everyday life depressing? Why not escape? It's faster with Getaway cars Dodge Challenger. +/-5sec and your old depressing life is history. Try it!
Come-On and test one of our cars. You will love it!